
Since its inception in 1898, the May Court Club of Ottawa has supported social service and education projects and now offers:

The May Court Club of Ottawa Susan Anderson Memorial Scholarship for students in the Masters of Information Studies at the University of Ottawa, the Masters of Information at the University of Toronto or the Masters of Library and Information Science at Western University

In 2006, thanks to a bequest from former May Court member, Susan Anderson, the Board of Directors established the Susan Anderson Memorial Scholarship, offered yearly to a qualified student in the Masters of Information Studies at the University of Ottawa, the Masters of Information at the University of Toronto or the Masters of Library and Information Science at Western University. It is seen as a fitting tribute to Susan Anderson’s dedication to her career as a Parliamentary Librarian and her volunteer work at the former Rykert Library at the Civic Hospital – a service financed and staffed by the May Court Club of Ottawa.

Click here for more information and to fill out the Susan Anderson Memorial Scholarship application form.


The 2023/2024 May Court Club of Ottawa Susan Anderson Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Meaghan Gibbons, Western University.

Meaghan Gibbons

Meaghan Gibbons, Western University

Testimonial: The Susan Anderson Memorial Scholarship has allowed me to balance full-time studies, part-time work, volunteer work and family life. I am grateful to the May Court Club of Ottawa Board for selecting me as the 2023-24 scholarship recipient, and I am excited to start my career as a librarian.


The May Court Club of Ottawa Centennial Scholarships for Nurse Practitioners

In 1999, with funds from the proceeds of the 100th Anniversary Ball, the May Court Centennial Scholarship was established and supports Nurse Practitioner education. Two scholarships are awarded yearly to qualified nurses entering the first or second year of study at an approved Ontario University.

Click here for more information and to fill out the Centennial Scholarship application form.

The 2023/2024 May Court Club of Ottawa Centennial Scholarships for Nurse Practitioners were awarded to Kathryn Nichol, University of Ottawa, and Steve Ross, University of Ottawa.

Kathryn Nichol

Kathryn Nichol, University of Ottawa

Testimonial: This scholarship has allowed me to take time away from my full-time job to dedicate to my academic pursuit of becoming a primary health care nurse practitioner. I am incredibly grateful for the support of the May Court Club of Ottawa and for their investment in future healthcare providers.

Steve Ross

Steve Ross, University of Ottawa

Testimonial: The Centennial Scholarship has had a tremendous impact on my academic success. The generous financial assistance from the May Court Club of Ottawa has provided time and space to devote myself to the program and derive the greatest benefit from my education and toward my future clinical practice.